Commissioned 110 Percent
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16
Preaching the Good News is not something I can boast about. I am compelled by God to do it. How terrible for me if I didn’t do it! 1 Corinthians 9:16
JASMINE DIDN’T LIKE Missions Fest, an annual conference at her church reminding the congregation of its assignment to reach the world. Every year one or two speakers always made her feel like spiritual slime. They were the ones who had a table at the back of the room for sign-ups to go to Timbuktu-today.
You might wonder what it really means to commit yourself for life to fulfilling the great commission as a rescuer and discipler of non-Christians. It doesn’t mean God drags you screaming to the other side of the world. It simply means:
- You always have a list of non -Christians you are praying for-family members, friends, classmates, neighbors, people you work with, etc.
- You are always making time to relate to and build bridges of communication with the non-Christians God is calling you to reach.
- You are always prepared to share a clear presentation of the gospel.
- You are always ready to disciple those who trust Christ.
If you’re tempted to think that being a rescuer is a chore, remember several things:
- You are privileged to join with God in his mission to liberate people living in darkness. Sharing him with others is one way you worship him and thank him for rescuing you.
- You are empowered for what you are called to do. The Holy Spirit within you makes you totally adequate for the task.
- You will prevail. As you let the Holy Spirit lead and empower you, you will see non-Christians rescued from the dominion of darkness and transferred into the kingdom of God.
Being a lifetime rescuer and discipler isn’t a job, it’s a lifestyle. So whether you’re at school, at work, in a restaurant, at a game, at a party, or wherever, you’re on duty. And you don’t get to retire. God has two ways to let you know when to stop: RIP or Rapture. Until then, you’re still on active duty as a rescuer.
REFLECT: Say it in your own words: What does it mean for you to be a discipler for life?
PRAY: Ask God to guide you in the ministry of discipling that best fits the gifts he has given you.