The Disguise of Darkness – Today’s Youth Devotion

The Disguise of Darkness

Bible Reading:  John 3:16-21

Those who do what is right come to the light gladly, so everyone can see that they are doing what God wants.   John 3:21

WHEN DO YOU suppose most violent crimes are committed: during daylight hours or at night?

When do you think burglars do their work: during daylight hours or at night?

When do you imagine most vandalism (breaking windows, damaging property, and so on) happens: during daylight hours or at night?

When do you think most arsonists (people who set fire to things on purpose) do their work: during daylight hours or at night?

If you answered “at night” to all those questions, you’re correct. But why is that? Why do so many murders or muggings take place at night? Why do people wait until after dark to break windows or set fires?

Because it’s dark, of course! People who don’t want to be caught doing something wrong will wait until it’s dark, so the darkness will disguise their deeds. That’s what Jesus meant when he said that people “loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. They hate the light because they want to sin in the darkness. They stay away from the light for fear their sins will be exposed and they will be punished” (John 3:19-20).

Understanding the truth of Jesus’ words can help you to make right choices. If you’re doing something that you don’t want your parents to know about, guess what—it’s probably wrong (unless you’re planning a surprise anniversary party for them!). If you have to hide what you’re doing, that’s a bad sign, because people “want to sin in the darkness…. But those who do what is right come to the light gladly, so everyone can see that they are doing what God wants” (John 3:20-21).

So remember—if you have to hide what you’re doing, you probably shouldn’t do it. Instead, do everything as if God were looking over your shoulder—because he is!

REFLECT: Have you ever done something you didn’t want people to see or know about? If so, what? What should have helped you realize that you might have been doing wrong? If you’re doing what God wants, would you probably try to hide it or not try to hide it?

PRAY: “God of light, help me to be among those who do what is right and not like people who try to hide their deeds under the cover of darkness.”