Living on the Edge – Today’s Youth Devotion

Living on the Edge

Bible Reading: Romans 12:1-2

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God trans­form you into a new person by changing the way you think. Romans 12:2

IN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY ENGLAND, the king was interviewing drivers for the royal coach. He asked each one, “If you were driving on a winding mountain road, how close could you come to the edge of the road without going over?”

The first driver boasted, ”I’m an excellent driver, Your Majesty. I could drive your coach to within eighteen inches of the edge at top speed and not go over.”

The second driver bragged, “My skill and experience are unparalleled in the kingdom. I could drive your coach to within six inches of the edge.”

But the third driver responded, “I wouldn’t take any chances with your safety, Your Majesty. I would drive the coach as far away from the edge as possible.”

The king chose the third driver, who was more interested in the king’s welfare than in showing off how well he could drive.

Sometimes students are like the first two drivers: “I want to see how close to the edge I can get without getting into trouble.” Their only question about sex is “How far can I go?” The one thing they want to know about school is “How little can I study?” And their one puzzle about getting along with parents is “How mouthy can I be?” Those who are useful to the King have the attitude of the third driver: “To honor my King, I will see how far from the edge I can stay.”

You’re driving sane when you not only let God change your behavior but also remake your thoughts from the inside out. According to Romans 12:2, there are two groups of people: those becoming more like everyone else in the world, and those being transformed into Christ’s likeness. Your mind is the battlefield. Lose the war there, and you lose it in your actions.

If you always have lustful thoughts romping through your mind, for example, it’s all too easy to give in to the least little pressure to play around physically or stare at pornography. And if you let the thoughts romp, you’ll never see an end to the pressure you feel.

If you want to change, begin today to spend at least a few minutes every day reading, studying, and memorizing God’s Word. Think about how the verses specifi­cally apply to your life. Here’s how the formula works:  


(The Bible)



(applying it to your life)



(A new you)

If you haven’t spent much time reading your Bible before, 1 John is a great place to start. Begin today and watch God’s Word change your life.

REFLECT: Are there areas of life where you drive close to the edge?

PRAY: I ask you, God, to please transform my life from the inside out.