Championship Character – Today’s Youth Devotion

Championship Character

Bible Reading: Romans 5:1-5

We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.   Romans 5:3-4, NIV

EVERYBODY IS GOOD at something. You may not be able to do long division, but maybe you can stand on your head. You may not be able to touch your nose with your tongue, but maybe you can sing better than anyone in your family. Most people are good at several things.

Take a look at the following list and check anything that you can do fairly well.

_____ Throw a football _____ Imitate your teachers
_____ Eat spaghetti _____ Play a musical instrument
_____ Play video games _____ Read
_____ Sing _____ Listen
_____ Make friends _____ Follow directions
_____ Make your bed _____ Run
_____ Get along with others _____ Remember things
_____ Solve riddles _____ Do cartwheels
_____ Spell _____ Say no to wrong things
_____ Draw _____ Say yes to right things

You’re probably good at more things than you thought, aren’t you? Did you check those last two things on the list (“Say no to wrong things,” “Say yes to right things”)? They were the two most important things on the list because if you’re pretty good at doing those last two things, you’re developing a good character.

Character is the ability to say no to evil and yes to good. And do you know how people develop that ability? Through perseverance.

You see, the Bible says that “suffering produces perseverance,” and perseverance produces character (Romans 5:3-4, NIV). In other words, if you learn to keep saying no to wrong things even when it’s hard or even when saying no gets you into trouble, you’ll get better at saying no to wrong things. And if you learn to keep saying yes to right things even when you don’t feel like it, or even when kids make fun of you, you’ll get better and better at that, too. And little by little, you’ll develop a strong character—until you become a champion at saying no to evil and yes to good!

That’s one of the things that’s so cool about perseverance; it develops championship character. And that’s something we could all use.

REFLECT: Do you need to get better at saying no to wrong things? at saying yes to right things? According to today’s Bible reading, how can you do that?

PRAY: “Lord, I know that perseverance is right. Help me to persevere and to become a champion at saying no to evil and yes to good!”