The Picture of Perseverance – Today’s Youth Devotion

The Picture of Perseverance

Bible Reading: Revelation 2:1-3

You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.   Revelation 2:3, NIV


• He never speaks.

• He’s pink and furry.

• He has big ears.

• He carries a drum and two drumsticks.

• And he just keeps going . . . and going . . . and going.

Of course, you’ve already figured out that he’s the Energizer Bunny, the battery-operated toy that for years has appeared in the most unexpected places, rolling across the screen and banging his drum everywhere he goes.

That bunny has become famous because he illustrates what everyone wants in a battery: long life, endurance, perseverance.

Well, what people value in batteries, God values in people. That’s right. God values perseverance. He thinks it’s great when people keep going… and going… and going in their efforts to make right choices.

That’s why God commanded perseverance in the first place. That’s why his Word says, “Never get tired of doing good” (2 Thessalonians 3:13) and “Don’t get tired of doing what is good. Don’t get discouraged and give up” (Galatians 6:9). And that’s why God praised the church at Ephesus, saying, “You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary” (Revelation 2:3, NIV).

God is disappointed when people quit trying to do right or when they give up instead of persevering. But he likes it when troubles make people try harder and work harder. He likes it when hardships make people more determined. He likes it when people keep going … and going … and going; when they work hard or choose right no matter how hard it is, no matter how tired they get, no matter how long it takes. Because God values perseverance.

REFLECT: Does today’s Bible reading show you that God values perseverance? If so, how? Do you think you need to persevere right now in spite of some trial or hardship? If so, how can you do that?

ACT: The next time you see the Energizer Bunny, remember that God values perseverance.

PRAY: “Dear God, I want to keep going … and going … and going in my efforts to follow you and to make right choices. Please help me to persevere, no matter how hard it is, no matter how tired I get, and no matter how long it takes.”